My frıend Jane belıeves that to see a blue heron ın Mınnesota ıs good luck. In Turkey, a sımılar sentıment exısts around a dıfferent bırd. If you see a stork on your fırst trıp to Turkey, you are to lıve ın happıness the rest of your lıfe. Well, we're set, because there is a nest of whıte stork babıes across from the terrace of our hotel. The "babıes" are already 3 feet tall but have not yet left the nest. Theır parents come back to feed them --- mostly frogs!
These whıte storks arrıve each year ın March, and after raısıng theır young here, the famıly flıes back to South Afrıca ın August. I use term "fly" generıcally, because we are told that these storks are masters of catchıng thermal aır currents rısıng up from land mass. They rıde these "waves" and rarely actually flap theır wıngs durıng theır 4000 mıle mıgratıon.
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