Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Man Who's Rich in Daughters

I should mention how we happened to go to The Kyrgyz Republic in the first place. Jim and I met Kunduz Rysbek in Beibei, China two years ago while leading a study-abroad trip from the College of St. Ben's/ St. John's University. She was there studying Chinese on her own. She quickly became friends with our students - and with us. Kunduz is gorgeous, smart, considerate, and of a gentle spirit. Eighteen at the time, she already spoke five languages fluently. We soon adopted her as another daughter.

After returning home, Jim worked hard to get Kunduz accepted at, and to attend, St. Benedict's. (She is currently attending Miami of Ohio instead as they have a better International Business program.) But, in the course of applying to St. Ben's, many emails crossed between Jim and Kunduz or her father. In every exchange, there was an invitation, "You should come to Kyrgyzstan." We thought, "How often do we have a invitation to go to Kyrgyzstan?" so we said yes!

Now, we're in Kyrgyzstan and have met Rysbek, his wife Jyldyz, and Kunduz' older twin sisters. Both of them have the same attributes as Kunduz - gorgeous, smart, etc. etc. Each of them has daughters of her own: Anara has one daughter named Teligay. (Pictured here are Anara, Teligay, and Jyldyz). Chinara has two daughters.

I reflect on a favorite Greg Brown song of mine called: "A Man Who's Rich in Daughters", and I think of Rysbek. He truly is rich.


  1. Thank you Connie for your warm words!

    Some muslims say that a man, who raises three daughters to become humble, kind individuals will be granted “a pass” to heaven... Yet, no one how true it is =)
